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Md. Rule 4-345. Sentencing — Revisory Power of the Court

(Last Updated March 2015)

  1. Illegal sentence. The court may correct an illegal sentence at any time.
  2. Fraud, mistake, or irregularity. The court has revisory power over a sentence in case of fraud, mistake, or irregularity.
  3. Correction of mistake in announcement. The court may correct an evident mistake in the announcement of a sentence if the correction is made on the record before the defendant leaves the courtroom following the sentencing proceeding.
  4. Desertion and non-support cases. At any time before expiration of the sentence in a case involving desertion and non-support of spouse, children, or destitute parents, the court may modify, reduce, or vacate the sentence or place the defendant on probation under the terms and conditions the court imposes.
  5. Modification upon motion.
  6. Generally. Upon a motion filed within 90 days after imposition of a sentence (A) in the District Court, if an appeal has not been perfected or has been dismissed, and (B) in a circuit court, whether or not an appeal has been filed, the court has revisory power over the sentence except that it may not revise the sentence after the expiration of five years from the date the sentence originally was imposed on the defendant and it may not increase the sentence.
  7. Notice to victims. The State’s Attorney shall give notice to each victim and victim’s representative who has filed a Crime Victim Notification Request form pursuant to Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 11-104 or who has submitted a written request to the State’s Attorney to be notified of subsequent proceedings as provided under Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 11-503 that states (A) that a motion to modify or reduce a sentence has been filed; (B) that the motion has been denied without a hearing or the date, time, and location of the hearing; and (C) if a hearing is to be held, that each victim or victim’s representative may attend and testify.
  8. Inquiry by court. Before considering a motion under this Rule, the court shall inquire if a victim or victim’s representative is present. If one is present, the court shall allow the victim or victim’s representative to be heard as allowed by law. If a victim or victim’s representative is not present and the case is one in which there was a victim, the court shall inquire of the State’s Attorney on the record regarding any justification for the victim or victim’s representative not being present, as set forth in Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 11-403 (e). If no justification is asserted or the court is not satisfied by an asserted justification, the court may postpone the hearing.
  9. Open court hearing. The court may modify, reduce, correct, or vacate a sentence only on the record in open court, after hearing from the defendant, the State, and from each victim or victim’s representative who requests an opportunity to be heard. The defendant may waive the right to be present at the hearing. No hearing shall be held on a motion to modify or reduce the sentence until the court determines that the notice requirements in subsection (e)(2) of this Rule have been satisfied. If the court grants the motion, the court ordinarily shall prepare and file or dictate into the record a statement setting forth the reasons on which the ruling is based.

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"It’s one of the biggest cases that’s been tried in Montgomery County in a long time,” said Steve VanGrack, a Rockville lawyer considering a Democratic bid for state’s attorney."

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